International Endorsements Pouring in for Alain St Ange
Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles, August 3, 2020 // Professor Geoffrey Lipman is a Creative Disruption Architect and Director of, a global think tank network promoting green growth & travelism (travel & tourism),specializing in strategy, innovation & funding. He is also President of the ICTP (International Council of Tourism Partners).
He has recently published glowing praise for One Seychelles’ unanimously nominated Presidential Candidate, ALAIN ST.ANGE, stating:
“[Thanks] to a long and full life, I have met many National Leaders -some just to stand in the presence of and listen, like The Shah of Iran, Margaret Thatcher and Ferdinand Marcos -others to engage with -like Thabo Mbeki, Meles Zenawi, Lee Kuan Yew,Prince Charles, Fidel Ramos, Sir James Mancham and even Robert Mugabe. I like to think that this and half a century as a bureaucrat in International Organizations, 25 of them learning at the feet of Maurice Strong -father of sustainable development -have given me a reasonably balanced view on good and bad governance.”
“I never met Donald Trump but I am sure he is the embodiment of all that can be bad in a Head of State… A bully, putting himself and his interests way above everything else, including the well being of his country and his countrymen. He is destabilising our world. I hope fervently he is dumped unceremoniously in November.”
“In contrast, I have had the pleasure of working closely with Alain St.Ange for a couple of decades, seeing his enormous energy and drive at first hand. I just know he will make a fantastic President of Seychelles if he is elected. He loves his country and its citizens. He has vision, empathy and decency at his core. I hope he is successful in the forthcoming Presidential election.”
Dr. Taleb Rifai, former Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Chair of Project Hope also endorsed Alain St. Ange at the Project Hope Press conference recently.